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NO.2   motakeen 2011/07/06 19:08:17 合計 0pt.






I am the first to admit- I am no genius. But here's my bold attempt to determine the factors involved in "making a genius" be it in the academic world, sports, or arts.

1. Someone or something that would inspire the person to pursue that field- a trigger
2. Someone who has keen eyes to see the talent- a spotter
3. Someone who can lead the talent to the next level- a mentor
4. Someone who is willing to spend the money to cultivate the talent- a sponsor

I think the most important factor is #1, the trigger. it appears that Dr. Mogi's trigger was Albert Einstein. I read somewhere that Masayoshi Son of Softbank idealizes Ryoma Sakamoto. I think many talented athletes have a role model that they aspire. Whether you've met this "something" is HUGE.
(Unfortunately, this is where I hit the wall- I don't have anyone or anything that I aspire. But I'm still searching.)

Can Universities provide all these functions? I would have to say no.
However, from my experience spending a couple of years in graduate school in the US, I would say that they are trying very hard to be the nurturing ground for connecting people. I went to a state university in the Midwest but I saw professors, admission offices, and career centers reach out to the community and to the employers everywhere. Even after we graduated, they try to keep in touch with the alumni at every chance they get.
They have pride in the alumni network.

However, while I am certainly not an expert in this field, I have to say that in the US, while the ceiling is high as you can get, the floor is also as deep as well.
Yes, there is so much opportunity for you if you have the talent and/or money but for people without either one- it's a tough world.
The question is- where do you want to spend the resources? On the upside or the downside?

BTW- I tried the puzzle that LAMPRIGERA-san had posted. Nope, didn't get it. Just pretend that it was because the dimensions were off when I put it on my piece of paper. <lol> But I love these kinds of puzzles. I think it is a good (almost a literal) example of "think outside the box". (Americans love this phrase.)
There are so many puzzles out there that test how big your box is- why can't we build this into the curriculum in the class room?