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NO.22   orcamie 2011/07/18 05:44:42 合計 0pt.

Takahashi (#17) san commented someone who can influence and fascinate people to change the values or mindset is a Tensai. But I think that geniuses are geniuses even if they aren’t known and realized in public, who couldn’t change the world. I think people with influence and fascination can be called great people. Some of them may be Tensai but the others may be Shusai.

I agree that categorizing people creates a kind of prejudice among people.(by #7chigusotuski) I feel like people in Japan have a tendency to classify too minutely. To make the things worse, there is little mobility among the categorized groups. The ideas and opinions always go from the top to the down.
As it turned out, Japanese can’t help missing much possibility that they may have found .

Maybe we can’t change the character of Japanese so easily and quickly.
We need to seek for the way where we can have enough mobility with classifying. What we need is a lot of chances for communication among different groups beyond the hedge. That may make less prejudice.

As for geniuses too, what is needed is many drastic ways of communication. Since the internet is providing the new communication method to us, we should make the best use of it. If we can have more mobile and flexible communication exchange in many fields over the hedge which is fencing each one of groups, the height of the hedge is going to be shorter. And then we can look at and know each other better than before. To have better communication, the most important thing is to know the opponent before you speak out for or against it.

With geniuses, we’d better provide some place for them to feel free to behave strangely and be genius as much as they want. Although terurun san (#21) mentioned a genius was forced to join the special class once a week, it is not always so bad. Because if the special classes meant the special support classes for LD(learning disability), some of those classes will offer individual support to children with high quality. But problem is not all the classes have enough quality to make progress. (参照:発達障害のこどもたち 杉山登志郎著 講談社現代新書)

I wish not only children with special condition but also all the children in Japan will be able to have individual support in their education especially at elementary schools. Then geniuses may be everywhere in Japan. We’re killing geniuses by classifying and not by supporting them enough.