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グローバリズムのなか、日本の教育は危機を迎えています。英語教育はどうすべきか? 大学のあり方は?大学入試はどのようなものであるべきなのか? 文部科学省の役割は? 子どもたちが、今身につけるべき能力とは何か?個性を育む教育とは? 教科書検定は、必要なのか? 


NO.7   chigusaotsuki 2011/07/24 11:15:15 合計 0pt.

Hello there!

Firstly, if a course of study combines both core and elective modules, it is undoubtedly true that core modules are the requirements for international students are cosmopolitans who may possibly speak several languages, i.e. Japanese, Korean, English, Chinese, etc.
Furthermore, it may be thought that elective modules are presumed to learn about the careers.
It is difficult to find the job you want, I mean, what you go in for doing all your life.

Next, I would like to add that we have equipped all children with a good education.
Teachers will devise a proper way to set appropriate tasks, and then provide feedback on students' work.

In addition to these things, teachers will also conduct teaching sessions for individuals.
To put it simply, teachers do counselling every children and adults individually will find a solution the problem of fears and anxieties.