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はたして、18歳の時の入試の成績が、そんなに重要なのか。学歴は、それを持つ者にとっても、持たないものにとっても、やっかいな存在です。さまざまなコンプレックスの原因にもなる。情報ビッグバンで、多くの人が自由に情報にアクセスできる時代に、本当に「学歴」は必要なのでしょうか? みなさんのご意見をお聞かせください。

NO.13   chigusaotsuki 2011/09/27 16:21:09 合計 0pt.

Now let's turn to the problem of the society which sets a greater value on the academic career of an individual than on his/her real ability.
Firstly, I need to distinguish between his/her educational background and overemphasis of educational qualifications.
The former relates to an overall judgement you will make on the value; the latter may be misguided, because it is inadequate to recognise his/her real ability.
It is noteworthy that Japanese had difficulty explaining these phenomena, therefore we would adopt a principled stance towards the criteria.
There are simultaneous frameworks to help people evaluate the criteria.
So, what is your main criterion in choosing your way of thinking?
How do you describe a marked or perceptible change?
Has important new information been gained from the internet?
That is all I have to say.
Thank you.