みなさんは「カムバック」ということについて、どうお考えですか? ご意見お待ちしております。また、もしよろしければ自身のカムバックの経験なども書き込んでいただけると嬉しく思います。
「Come back from my sorrows」
I haven't had a very easy life. Till now, this ongoing incident has made me feel depressed. Such life event is apparently linked to the "End of relationships". This external event that I felt to deeply sad is now described the severity of the depression.
Since I said goodbye, I had been consistently down in the dumps, avoiding other people, oversleeping and feeling alone, which others might perceive my problem as. For instance, I found it difficult to communicate, because my feelings ware painful and I lacked energy. However others might feel they couldn't reach me, and rejected.
But I now know that if I tend to react and respond in a new way, I will be able to breeze through challenges to copy and defend my psycho-therapists behavior. Any behavior! ;-)
So I usually say "Hey, this is an important point, so let's explore it!".
I need to assess how I can approach my sorrows in order to handle them better. These need discipline, direction and training in new skills.
Now I am learning and gaining wisdom. Someday I might even thank my all end of relationships. After all, I would have grown so much with them.
Chigusa Otsuki ;-)